Master Your Data with Excel and Power BI

Authors: Ken Puls, Miguel Escobar
(18 customer reviews)

If you are struggling to clean up your data in Excel or Power BI, or spending time performing repetitive data cleanup on a regular basis, you owe it to yourself to learn about Power Query. This technology is a game changer, and will revolutionize the way you work with your data forever. Released as a free add-in from Microsoft for Excel 2010 and 2013, Power Query technology has been built into Excel since Excel 2016 and the Power BI Desktop application since day one. This means that you already have it, you just need to learn how to use it: an investment that will pay you back in leaps and bounds.

Written BY Excel pros, FOR Excel pros, Master Your Data for Excel and Power BI focuses on leveraging Power Query to “Get & Transform” your task flow. This is the all new 2nd edition of our popular book, M is for (Data) Monkey. It has been updated from cover to cover and includes new and expanded chapters which focus on:

  • Power Query fundamentals
  • Structuring your queries
  • Moving queries between Excel and Power BI
  • New and improved data transformation patterns and recipes
  • Every standard Power Query join plus other merging techniques
  • Reshaping common data problems into tabular formats
  • A much deeper dive into the M language behind Power Query
  • Building custom functions
  • Understanding Query Folding and Lazy Evaluation
  • Dealing with Privacy and Formula.Firewall errors
  • And much more!

Every example in this book is backed with downloadable “near real world” example and data source files for you to practice your skills. We even provide access to an Azure SQL database for our readers. In addition, completed versions of every example in the book are provided in both Excel and Power BI Desktop formats.

This book covers two key goals, depending on who you are and how much experience you have with Power Query:

  • If you are new to Power Query, this book will change your life. You should know that saving 4 hours per week of manual time is not uncommon for users who embrace Power Query. There is simply no tool out there that is as easy to learn and pays back as quickly as Power Query. This book will guide you in that learning journey to get the most out of this tool starting from the very beginning.
  • For you seasoned Power Query pros, this book will up your Power Query game. You already know the power behind this amazing technology, we don’t need to convince you of that. While the earlier chapters may act as a review to fill in knowledge gaps, you’ll find new transformation recipes and techniques, a deeper understanding of the Power Query engine and M language, and more to help you truly Master Your Data.

Product Details

  • Format: PDF
  • Publisher: Holy Macro! Books (Digital Version – August 2, 2021)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1-61547-058-7
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-61547-058-7

All sales are final; no refunds on digital books are available.

Print editions of the book are available for order through various retailers, including Amazon, Mr. Excel Bookstore, (Australia only), and (US only)

Master Your Data with Excel and Power BI
$17.95Digital Download Only
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18 reviews for Master Your Data with Excel and Power BI

  1. DAVID BUI (verified owner)

    I had a question as a beginner about Unpivoting Subcategorized Data, and Ken Puls took the time to reply to my emails with clear step-by-step explanations. This practical book helps me solve problems with messy data & saved so much time looking for answers as a Data Analytics student. Thanks Ken & Miguel!

  2. Mike Sinnhöfer (verified owner)

    Gleich vorweg: Tolles Buch – für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene geeignet. Obwohl ich kein Anfänger mehr bin, lese ich mit Begeisterung auch die Passagen für die “Einsteiger”. Denn dort wird einem auf verständliche Weise erklärt, wie man Struktur in seine Queries bringt und WARUM man bestimmte Dinge so macht oder eben machen sollte. So erhält man eine Art Leitfaden für bessere Ergebnisse. Wenn man Power Query und M besser kennen lernen möchte, führt glaube ich kein Weg an Ken Puls und Miguel Escobar vorbei!

  3. justin (verified owner)

    Great book, easy to follow the many data transformation examples. I have recommended to a number of colleagues.

  4. Koray Korten (verified owner)

    This is a book written with utmost practical applicability on author’s minds. They are not concerned with documenting every boring detail about “Power Query”, they just want to convey their expertise as much as possible and convince the reader why she should choose Power Query as “go to tool” most of the time.

  5. yanyoubo (verified owner)

    very good

  6. Mike Higgins (verified owner)

    This is the second time I have ordered this book.
    I bought the first version (origianlly titled M is for Data Monkey) and was extremely satisfied.
    I bought this version to catch up with how Power Query has evolved.
    This book not only did that – but it also made the original content much easier to understand.
    Well done.

  7. robinlittle (verified owner)

    I immediately pre-ordered the hard copy of the book, but I had to have it more quickly! I read through the first third of the book in the first day.

    This new edition answers my most pressing business questions of how to migrate my skills from just using Excel to using everything in Power BI.

    THANK you for the job promotion I got this year from my Data Monkey skills!

    Robin Little

  8. Marco Filocamo (verified owner)

    Impressive book with many examples and a very practical approach, thoroughly recommended for anyone either starting out or looking forward to improving their power query skillset. The friendly tone is also a great plus!

  9. Anne (verified owner)

    One of the things I love about this book is the masterful interweaving of comprehensive examples, clear explanations born from the author’s deep knowledge of and passion for this product. When I read it I always feel – this is from the coalface, this is written by people who have grappled with these problems, they know the questions that arise and answer them.

  10. Olivier Laurin (verified owner)

    Amazing book, well written, helps me every day in my job and enabled me to massively simplify my data analysis. Thanks guys!

  11. Lynsey Carr (verified owner)

    I’m working through the book and have just completed chapter 13. The methods in this chapter for dealing with complex pivoting patterns and more importantly doing that efficiently on large data sets are going to make a massive difference to our business. Can’t wait to see what I learn in Chapters 14 – 20

  12. Tym Burman (verified owner)

    Definitely the go-to reference for Power Query. Ken & Miguel share so many tips & tricks you are guaranteed to learn new, useful skills. Opens up opportunities for so many new data sources.

  13. Simon Alphonso (verified owner)

    there is always a reservation when buying a technical book that it will be out of date on the next release and therefore of little value. One feels differently about this based on the longevity and relevance of M is for data monkeys. The book is easy to read, well structured and clearly lays out processes and procedures. Well worth the investment.

  14. Manuel López Martínez (verified owner)

    Es un libro perfecto para aprender las funcionalidades de Power Query

  15. Nirav Gandhi (verified owner)

    I was eagerly waiting for the book and did not want to wait for the print copy in Nov. so immediately bought the e book and i now find that it will save at least 7 hours every week of my tedious data cleaning . Data never comes clean and in desirable formats . This will save me tons of time and money. I already did the fundamental course and will now with this advanced learning tool , will become a Ninja

  16. Carlos (verified owner)

    Muchas gracias!! La primera edicion fue mi primer libro y con el inicie en este mundo de pq, dax, etc..
    desde hace tiempo estaba esperando la segunda edicion, saludos y mucho exito

  17. Nick Burns (verified owner)

    A book well-worth waiting for. I got the most benefit of the M Language in Chapters 16 – Understanding the M Language and Chapter 17 – Parameters and Custom Functions. Ken updated his dynamic parameter query in the book using enhanced techniques. Awesome update.

  18. Eiki Sui (verified owner)

    Been waiting for ages but finally! The first edition changed my life making me become a BI developer so thanks for all the fabulous contents inside the book.

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