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We train data professionals

We are a team committed to using our extensive experience in the field to create and deliver the best training content for new and seasoned users of Microsoft BI products, including Excel and Power BI.

Meet the experts behind Skillwave Training

We are respected data professionals in the industry, known for our work with Power Query, Power BI, and Excel.

Matt Allington

Matt Allington

Matt Allington is one of the founding partners of Skillwave.Training, and the founder of Excelerator BI in Australia. He is an expert in Power BI and DAX training, and has 30+ years of experience in using data to deliver business value. Matt is an author, blogger, and eight-time Microsoft MVP that specializes in Power BI, Power Pivot, and Power Query. He brings his business and IT experience to solve general business data problems quickly and efficiently.

Ken Puls

Ken Puls

Ken Puls is one of the founding partners of Skillwave.Training, and the President and Chief Training Officer of Excelguru Consulting Inc. in Canada. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant, blogger, author, and trainer with over 30 years of business and IT experience. His passion lies in exploring tools to turn data into information, and teaching others how to use them. Ken is a Microsoft MVP and a leading expert in Excel, Power Query, and Power BI.

Key Features of the Skillwave Site

What sets our learning platform apart from other online training sites?

Integrated Discussions Forum for your Questions

Top Quality Content Created by World-Class Experts

Automatic Progress Tracking & Certificate of Completion

Watch this video to learn more about using our learning platform.

Not sure what course is right for you?

Visit our Learning Journey page to compare courses by skill level and area of specialization.

Private and Group Training

If your team needs help with anything related to Power Query, Power BI, or Excel, we offer discounts for groups of 6 or more people in any of the courses in our online catalogue. We also offer private online training sessions for corporate teams and other groups.

Skillwave is brought to you by:

This site is produced and delivered to you by Excelerator BI Pty Ltd. and Excelguru Consulting Inc.